Kotlin collection operations that you will use every day

In you daily programming you will need filter, order, grouping, etc your collections. Here is a brief review of what you can do with the following collection-operations in kotlin:

  • Foreach
  • Filter
  • FirstOrNull or Find
  • SortedBy
  • Map
  • MinBy
  • MaxBy
  • Sum
  • Distinct
  • Complex queries

We are going to use this class and data for the examples:

data class Animal(
    val name: String = "",
    val type: String = "",
    val weight: Double = 0.0,
    val height: Double = 0.0

val animals = listOf(
    Animal(name = "Lion", type = "Mammal", weight = 190.0, height = 3.5),
    Animal(name = "Elephant", type = "Mammal", weight = 5000.0, height = 10.0),
    Animal(name = "Penguin", type = "Bird", weight = 1.5, height = 0.5),
    Animal(name = "Snake", type = "Reptile", weight = 10.0, height = 1.0),
    Animal(name = "Dolphin", type = "Mammal", weight = 300.0, height = 2.0),
    Animal(name = "Eagle", type = "Bird", weight = 5.0, height = 0.8),
    Animal(name = "Tiger", type = "Mammal", weight = 250.0, height = 3.0),
    Animal(name = "Crocodile", type = "Reptile", weight = 150.0, height = 2.5),
    Animal(name = "Giraffe", type = "Mammal", weight = 1200.0, height = 5.5),
    Animal(name = "Hawk", type = "Bird", weight = 2.0, height = 0.6),
    // Duplicated hawk
    Animal(name = "Hawk", type = "Bird", weight = 2.5, height = 0.6)

  1. Foreach

It just iterate over the collection

// 1. Foreach
// Print the animal names

animals.forEach { print("${it.name} ") }

// Output:
// Lion Elephant Penguin Snake Dolphin Eagle Tiger Crocodile Giraffe Hawk Hawk

2. Filter

Filter over the collection using a condition

// 2. Filter
// Gets birds
val birds = animals
    .filter { it.type == "Bird" }

// Print the birds
birds.forEach { print("${it.name} ") }

// Output:
// Penguin Eagle Hawk Hawk

3. FirstOrNull or Find

Return the first element or null given a condition

// 3. Find or FirstOrNull
// Get first hawk o null
var hawk = animals.firstOrNull { it.name == "Hawk" }

// or
hawk = animals.find { it.name == "Hawk" }

// print hawk
hawk?.let { println(hawk) }

// Output:
// Animal(name=Hawk, type=Bird, weight=2.0, height=0.6)

4. SortedBy

Returns the elements sorted in ascending order using the selector specified

// 4. Order
// Get the smallest animals first
val smallestAnimalsFirst = animals.sortedBy { it.height }

// Print the animals names and heights
smallestAnimalsFirst.forEach { print("${it.name}(${it.height}) ") }

// Output:
// Penguin(0.5) Hawk(0.6) Hawk(0.6) Eagle(0.8) Snake(1.0) Dolphin(2.0) Crocodile(2.5) Tiger(3.0) Lion(3.5) Giraffe(5.5) Elephant(10.0)

5. Map

Returns a new collection changing each element using the function specified

// 5. Map
// Get only names and types
val justNamesAndTypes = animals.map {
  object {
      val name = it.name
      val type = it.type

// Print the animals names and types
justNamesAndTypes.forEach { print("${it.name}/${it.type} ") }

// Output:
// Lion/Mammal Elephant/Mammal Penguin/Bird Snake/Reptile Dolphin/Mammal Eagle/Bird Tiger/Mammal Crocodile/Reptile Giraffe/Mammal Hawk/Bird Hawk/Bird

6. MinBy

Returns the smallest element using the function specified

// 6. Min
// Get the smallest animal
val smallestAnimal = animals.minBy { it.height }

// Print the animal

// Output
// Animal(name=Penguin, type=Bird, weight=1.5, height=0.5)

7. MaxBy

Returns the largest element using the function specified

// 7. Max
// Get the smallest animal
val biggestAnimal = animals.maxBy { it.height }

// Print the animal

// Output
// Animal(name=Elephant, type=Mammal, weight=5000.0, height=10.0)

8. GroupBy

Returns a Map that groups the elements using the function specified. The key of the map is the grouping value and the value is a list of grouped elements.

    // 8. Group
    // Group by type
    val groupsByType = animals.groupBy { it.type }

    // Print groups
    groupsByType.forEach {
        it.value.forEach { animal -> print("${animal.name} ") }

    // Output:
    //    Mammal
    //    Lion Elephant Dolphin Tiger Giraffe
    //    Bird
    //    Penguin Eagle Hawk Hawk
    //    Reptile
    //    Snake Crocodile

9. Sum

Returns the sum of the elements according the function given

// 9. Sum
// Sum the heights of all animals
val sumHeight = animals.sumOf { it.height }

// Prints the sum

// 30.000000000000004

10. DistinctBy

Returns a list of elements removing the duplicated elements according the function given

// 10. Distinct
// Remove hawks duplicated
val  removedDuplicated = animals
    .filter {it.name == "Hawk"}
    .distinctBy { it.name }

// Print hawk

// Output:
// [Animal(name=Hawk, type=Bird, weight=2.0, height=0.6)]

11. Complex queries

You can mix the functions to have complex queries. Lets see some examples.

11-a Get the names of the mammals with weight over 100

 // Get the names of the mammals with weight over 100
val namesMammalsOver100 = animals
    .filter { it.type == "Mammal" && it.weight > 100 }
    .map { it.name }

// Print mammals

// Output
// [Lion, Elephant, Dolphin, Tiger, Giraffe]

11-b. Get the animals that contains “in” in the name sorted by height

// Get the animals that contains "in" in the name sorted by height
val animalsWithIn = animals
    .filter { it.name.lowercase().contains("in") }
    .sortedBy { it.height }

// Prints animals

 // Output:
 // [Animal(name=Penguin, type=Bird, weight=1.5, height=0.5), Animal(name=Dolphin, type=Mammal, weight=300.0, height=2.0)]

11-c. Get the name of the smallest mammal or null

 // Get name of smallest mammal or null
val smallestMammal = animals
    .filter { it.type == "Mammal" }
    .sortedBy { it.height }
    .map { it.name }

// Print animal

// Output:
// Dolphin

11-d. Get the smallest animal of each type

// Get the smallest animal of each type
val smallestOfGroups = animals
    .groupBy { it.type }
    .map {
        object {
            val Group = it.key
            val Smallest = it.value
                .minBy { group -> group.height }?.name

// Prints smallest of each group
smallestOfGroups.forEach { println("${it.Group} ${it.Smallest} ") }

// Output:
// Mammal Dolphin
// Bird Penguin
// Reptile Snake

11-e. Get the sum height of each type

// Get the sum height of each group
val sumEachGroup = animals
    .groupBy { it.type }
    .map {
        object {
            val Group = it.key
            val Sum = it.value.sumOf { it.height }

// Prints the sums
sumEachGroup.forEach { println("${it.Group} ${it.Sum} ") }

// Output:
// Mammal 24.0
// Bird 2.5
// Reptile 3.5

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