Basics in Jetpack Compose Layouts: A Guide to Vertical and Horizontal Centering

Centering with respect to the screen can be tricky in Jetpack Compose. You need to use the right layout (Column or Row) to achieve it. You have to adjust the size of the parent container to fit the screen as well. Once you follow these five simple steps, you will not have any confusion about this basic layout configuration.


We want to center a composable with respect of the height of the screen. So we have to use a Column with the property fill max height (or size).

You can read the article and watch this video if you want.

1. Create the screen

fun CenterVerticallyScreen() {


2. Create a preview

fun CenterVerticallyPreview() {
    AppTheme {
        Surface {

3. Create a column with fill max size or fill max height

fun CenterVerticallyScreen() {

        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()


4. Add the thing you want to center

fun CenterVerticallyScreen() {

        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
        Text("Centered vertically")

5. Add vertical arrangement

fun CenterVerticallyScreen() {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center 
        Text("Centered vertically")

It looks like this:


We want to center a composable with respect of the width of the screen. So we have to use a Row with the property fill max width (or size).

You can watch this video if you want

1. Create the screen

fun CenterHorizontallyScreen() {


2. Create a preview

fun CenterHorizontallyPreview() {
    AppTheme {
        Surface {

3. Add a row with fill max size or fill max width

fun CenterHorizontallyScreen() {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
    ) {

4. Add the thing you want to center

fun CenterHorizontallyScreen() {
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        horizontalArrangement = Arrangement.Center // Done!
    ) {
        Text("Center horizontally")

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